3 Ways to Support IT Leaders by Adopting Hybrid Permanence
What’s “hybrid permanence?” It’s the simple fact — borne out by recent research from Crestron — that the post-pandemic hybrid workplace is here to stay. Adopting the right technology to make it work for every employee will be the hallmark of successful businesses from now on.
With that knowledge, here’s a pair of stats that should alarm every C-suite (as we found via ManageEngine):
- 55% of IT department managers feel less loyal to their employer than two years ago.
- 58% of ITDMs are actively looking for a new job.
What’s a CTO to do?
Crestron just released a new report: Tackling the Modern Workplace by the Numbers. Executed in partnership with Simple Media Group, the conclusions of the surveys in this report suggest three solutions to the problem of IT frustrations — and potential turnover. (If a firm’s outsourcing IT services, these same considerations can simply save a business money.)
3 Ways to Support IT Leaders by Adopting Hybrid Permanence
- Implement the right technology management platforms.
- Broaden your horizons beyond the office.
- Empower employee collaboration and feedback.
Implement the Right Technology Management Platforms
Platforms that help manage room scheduling, report on actual usage, and signal alerts when equipment’s down (or nearing the end of its life cycle) or licenses need renewal can be a huge help to an IT department. Crestron learned that 80% of employees report that they have at least one meeting a week that includes remote participants. It follows, then, that every space will likely need connectivity, and therefore every space will need maintenance and upkeep from the IT department.
Broaden Your Horizons Beyond the Office
As more and more employees expect hybrid schedules as the norm, a home office setup that mirrors the best at-work solution one can offer is paramount (and vice-versa). The budget should be there for both — it’s incumbent on management to make the remote experience frictionless and the commute back into the office worth the drive.
Empower Employee Collaboration and Feedback
Encourage employees to alert management when they’re feeling disengaged or frustrated by tech that’s not working or isn’t intuitive. Look for solutions such as intelligent video and speaker-tracking technology that provide “equal pixel real estate” for everyone joining a meeting, creating meeting equity” for all participants. And maybe, most importantly, allow your IT leaders to help set your staff up for success.
There’s info in the report that’s relevant to every decision-maker involved in finding the right solutions for the hybrid workplace beyond ITDM retention. The bottom line, though, is simply this: “Hybrid” is the way we now work, but most businesses aren’t deploying the necessary tech solutions — yet.