Underinvestment in AV is putting productivity and employee well-being at risk
The Diversified Technology Maturity Survey of more than 1,600 U.S. employees found 89% of workers use their own devices or apps for work due to better ease of use compared to company-provided options, creating cyber and compliance risks. Nearly as many (88%) say their company’s tech limits creativity and problem solving – also a massive liability for businesses.
With globally dispersed teams relying on collaboration tools, technologies and broadcast events, 77% of survey respondents said they work for companies offering hybrid work options. The vast majority (92%) split their work weeks between the office and remote locations—something most prefer.
A strong majority said workplace flexibility is critical, with 86% considering it when job hunting, and 49% willing to sacrifice pay for hybrid work. Even more (69%) leaders would do the same.
The survey also uncovered a desire to reinvent workspaces to boost creativity, security, productivity and retention. Notably, 73% of CEOs seek ways to repurpose office space, while 83% of leaders are interested in adding public-use areas.
“People naturally seek in-person connection, but requiring work from an isolated cube or room offers no more collaboration than working from home. Mandating office returns erodes trust and loyalty,” said Diversified CEO Eric Hutto. "Organizations should instead create engaging spaces and a gradual and flexible increase of purposeful in-office time.”
Since the arrival of generative AI, most workplace technology conversations have focused on productivity. But workplace technology is also deeply connected to the human experience.
Sixty percent of survey respondents said technology integration issues adversely affect their work-life balance, 76% feel that they must be online at all times and 24% of those working late said it’s because their tech causes delays. That has important implications for productivity and employee satisfaction and retention. An estimated 27% of U.S. employees quit in 2023, according to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM); lack of work-life balance was among the top three reasons why.
Modern AV systems and collaboration technologies amplify voices and enable flexible work, expanding opportunities for a broader talent pool. Notably, the Department of Labor reports that the number of disabled adults participating in the labor market has doubled over the last five years due to hybrid work. Nearly all (92%) of workers said they feel stronger connections with their children when working from home, better supporting their emotional and educational needs.
“The culture of work is changing, and workplace technology is a big driver of this change,” said Jason Kornweiss, senior vice president of advisory services for Diversified. “Now, workplace structures must be fit-for-purpose and workplace technology needs to power experience, satisfaction and productivity – regardless of where people work.”
“The necessity for remote and hybrid work over the last 5 years rewrote the employee-employer contract,” said Hutto. “Now people have different expectations, technology continues to evolve, and it’s time to embrace fit-for-purpose structures and new tech-enabled experiences that bring people together – whomever and wherever they are – and keep them coming back.”
Source: www.inavateonthenet.net