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08 Jan 2024

AR Interactive Display Unveiled at CES 2024

AR Interactive Display Unveiled at CES 2024
AR Interactive Display Unveiled at CES 2024

At CES 2024 in Las Vegas, innovative AR transparent display technology was introduced which allows passengers to engage with AR content directly in a moving vehicle without the need for wearable technology.

Innovative Technology from South Korea

Developed by South Korea's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), this technology is set to revolutionise the passenger experience in vehicles. It enables passengers to identify points of interest and receive visual information in real-time, aligned with their line of sight. By interacting with visual cues on the screen, passengers can access in-depth information about these sites. This system is versatile, designed for integration into various modes of transportation, and can be embedded into vehicle windows, in-car displays, or personal mobile devices, offering comprehensive system integration solutions.

Customisation and Motion Sickness Mitigation

The technology offers customisation options for different transportation modes, enhancing the overall user experience. A significant feature includes an on-screen visual aid that synchronises with the vehicle's movements, designed to reduce motion sickness. This ensures passengers can comfortably engage with the AR content through a transparent display, without experiencing discomfort from the vehicle's motion. This AR Interactive Vehicle Display marks a significant step forward in blending digital information with the physical journey, offering a glimpse into the future of in-vehicle entertainment and information systems.

Source: Inavate
